Sunday, April 19, 2015

#CreativeSprint Day 19

"Walk aimlessly for 5 minutes, then stop and make something using whatever materials are available where you've ended up. Leave it there for someone else to discover (but be sure to document it first!)."

I've been taking care of a friend's yard & they have a greenhouse area and a lot of junk way back of the backyard. After doing a bunch of watering this morning, I sat on their patio for a few minutes while I was checking my email and found this for today. Decided to see what I could find/make amongst the junk. Started with a piece of scrap wire & tried to make a butterfly, but that was kind of a disaster as the wire was too stiff to get any kind of decent shape, and I figured getting out the metalworking tools kind of defeated the whole idea. So then I made a weird steampunk bunny sticking out of an old jar. I left it on the workbench for him to find when he gets home.
Go make art!

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